Seaside Sampler
Vino Rosso
Finish your project with a coordinating Mill Hill Frame and your needle art work will be ready for you to display!
While you're checking out the new Mill Hill kits, you may notice that we've added to our collection of Chick Counted Cross Stitch Kits. There are 3 additional Chick Designs from Heritage Stitchcraft.
Kitchen Chick
Golfing Chick
Embroidery Learning Center
If you're looking for an instructional site to help you learn the basics of hand embroidery or cross stitch, you'll want to visit the DMC-USA website. Once there, click on the Techniques link at the top of the page. Visit the Embroidery Education page and you'll find a very helpful embroidery stitch guide with diagrams showing how to accomplish a variety of embroidery stitches.
You'll also want to visit the Cross Stitch Education page, where you'll learn all about the basics of cross stitching, both counted and stamped. Beginners may want to bookmark this site to use as a ready reference as you learn to embroider. Hand embroidery is a relaxing and creative way to spend your time - enjoy!
As always, thanks for taking the time to visit the Weekend Kits Blog. If you've completed one of our kits, we'd love to see it - send us an electronic image of your completed project and we'll share it here.
Have fun exploring new craft areas - visit Weekend Kits for more project ideas!
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