Embroider a Keepsake Quilt for Baby

The 34" x 43" crib cover is a pre-quilted & pre-finished baby quilt, ready for you to embroider!
The cross stitch marks are pre-stamped on the quilt with washable blue ink. The color chart shows where to place the individual colors of embroidery floss on the quilt.
Your completed Moving On embroidery quilt will brighten baby's nursery and bring lasting enjoyment throughout the years!
Announce Baby's Birth

The birth record kit uses the counted cross stitch method for stitching. This requires counting squares on the foundation fabric to find the correct placement for each of the X-shaped stitches.
Embroidery patterns include a helicopter, truck, spotted puppy, and one open square for you to personalize with baby's name, birth date, and weight! Finished stitched size measures 12" x 12".
Your completed Moving On birth announcement will be the highlight of baby's room!
Cross Stitch 2 Baby Bibs - Easy & Fun

The 8-1/2 x 11" baby bibs are pre-quilted, pre-finished, and ready for you to embroider! The cross stitch pattern is pre-stamped on the bibs with washable blue ink.
Baby bibs are an easy stamped cross stitch kit for beginners. The small size makes them easy to handle and fun to stitch.
Hand embroidered baby bibs are the perfect baby shower gift. You'll enjoy watching baby wear the Moving On baby bibs you embroidered just for them!

Visit the Embroidery Kits section to see our complete selection of cross stitch kits, crewel kits, beginner embroidery kits, and more.
Stop by Weekend Kits today and be ready to embroider something new for baby on your next Weekend at Home!
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