The May Giveaway Day event has ended - be sure to check back for monthly Craft Kit Giveaways.
Giveaway Results:
The winner of the May Giveaway Day prize is sandyandcosmo. Congratulations! Please Contact Us with your shipping information and we'll have your prize out to you right away.
Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway and joined us on our Facebook page. Please stop by now & then for updates on new product arrivals, promotions, and to hear about our next giveaway!
Original Post:
Weekend Kits is participating in May Giveaway Day at Sew Mama Sew! One winner will be randomly selected to win two Fabric Panel Craft Kits - the Blue Toile Apron Kit from Springs Creative and the Harper Handbag Kit from Fabric Editions.Fabric panel craft kits are a great choice for beginners just getting started sewing. With fabric panels, there's no need for traditional tissue-paper patterns, because the pattern pieces are printed directly on the fabric. You simply cut the pieces from the fabric panel & sew!
Fabric panel sewing kits also appeal to busy crafters looking for a quick & easy sewing project they can start & finish in less than a day. You can see our complete selection of fabric panel sewing kits in the Sewing Project Kits section of the store.
How to Enter (it's Super Easy!):
Just leave a comment here telling us about your favorite kit or kit category at Weekend Kits.It's not required, but just thought I'd mention, if you haven't joined us on our Facebook page, we'd love to meet you there. Once you're there, click the "Like" button at the top of the page, and we'll always keep you updated on new product arrivals, promotions & future giveaways!
Giveaway Details:
• You have until Wednesday, May 25 at 12:00pm (EDT) to enter.• One winner will be chosen using's number generator.
• Open to US & Canada shipping addresses only.
• You must be 18 years or older to enter.
• Only 1 entry per person.
One Last Very Important Detail:
The winner will be announced here on Thursday, May 26. We don't collect email contact information at time of entry, so it's important that you check back here to see if you won! It might be helpful to add a reminder to your calendar. If you include email info in your profile or within your comment, we'll send you an email if you win. Winner will have 48 hours to Contact Us with their shipping info before another winner is drawn.I always place a reminder on our Facebook page, so if you've joined us there, you're set! You'll be the first to know when giveaway results have been posted.

Weekend Kits specializes in modern DIY craft kits for beginners & experienced crafters. Our goal is to help make crafting convenient, easy, and most of all FUN for everyone!
Thank you for visiting the Weekend Kits Blog.
Lots of great items--I think my favorite category is the Sewing Projects. I could give one of these to my niece and then enjoy spending time with her while she works on it. Thanks for the giveaway.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
I love the purple Yoki the Fat Dragon kit. It's one of the cutest things I've ever seen! I'd love to advance my skills to the point where I can make it.
My favorite section is the Quilt Section! you make it "sew" easy!
I love that everything is in the kit making projects quick and easy to complete.
I love the paisley pincushion scalloped apron pattern. This pattern is super for anyone who has arthritis or other joint problems to wear because it requires no ties or buttons!
I just made the duck baby quilt and gave it as a baby shower gift and everyone was adoring it! It was my first quilt attempt! thanks for making the project so easy and making me look like a rock star
Thanks for all the great comments. I love hearing from all of you!
I love the apron patterns. I made the Emmeline apron for my daughters bridal shower. Because it is reversible the guests signed their names on one side.
My favorite is definitely Yoki the Purple Dragon, but all your sewing kits are terrific!
my favorite category is the quilt kits. I want to get more into quilting, but it's a bit overwhelming, so these are a nice place to start.
4allibaby at gmail dot com
I like the Cut, Sew & Go! Fabric Panel - Tote Bag Kit - Plum/Teal.
I love the purple fat dragon kit. Thanks for the giveaway
love all of the apron kits, especially the daisys in lime... lovely giveaway! thanks
I love the Yoki the fat dragon kit in pink and purple! So cute...I'd never be able to figure that one out on my own though!
sunshinekmp at yahoo dot com
I love your apron patterns! Would love to win and make one!
Jacque in SC
Purple Yoki The Fat Dragon kit. Love it.
I love the mother and daughter apron pattern! I have been wanting to make myself an apron for a while, but just haven't gotten around to it yet... :o)
I love the quilt section - especially the holiday wall hangings and mini-quilts. Thanks for the giveaway! My email is sheryl at brentandsheryl dot com.
I like the sewing project kits. Most are easy enough to do with my kids, and the have everything you need!
I love the "moving on" cross-stitch baby quilt! I would love to make that for my son!!
Love the quilts section. Looks so easy!
I love all the sewing project kits, especially the baby blankets.
kirkandalice (at) gmail dot com
The quilt kits would be perfect for a beginning quilter like me!
I now like you facebook too =)
I am not a jewelry maker, but I think it would be a fun thing to dabble in, especially as my daughter gets older. I do like the bag kit you're giving away, too!
ooh, I love the Happi Owl pillow - such an adorable kit. Thanks for a great giveaway!
My faves are apron and bag categories. I am looking for an apron to make for my daughter, and I need a bag to carry my books in. Your store is really nice, Imma gonna go browse. :-)
Seriously? I have to choose my favorite kit or category?? I fail. lol I can give my favoriteS - Paint & Draw Art Kits, Paper Craft Kits, & Punch Needle Kits. Well, those are my top three. I've never done punch needle before - but always wanted to. Thanks for making me salivate!
Thank you for your generosity in participating in this giveaway - I can't believe how giving crafters as a whole, can be. It's so nice! I love what you've put up to giveaway...I'll have sweet dreams tonight! xx (queenKatherineATgmailDOTcom)
i like the yoki the dragon kit, but if i was going to buy one, it would be this blue apron.
I love the felted purse knitting kit. There are alot of great kits to choose from! Thanks for the giveaway.
I think my favorites are the embroidery kits! East to do and doesn't require too many supplies. A perfect gift for the beginner crafter
I loved the apron kit so much, I made it for my daughter! Cute stuff!
I really like the apron category and the sewing kit one too. :)
Thank you!
Wow, I love your apron kit (for myself) and the little elephant, so cute!!!
lisa [dot] oct2009 {at} gmail
I love your selection of apron patterns -- they ROCK! I do not think there is a better selection anywhere on the net!
I love your selection of apron patterns -- they ROCK! I do not think there is a better selection anywhere on the net!
How cute is this little guy?
I like the Harper bag kit
I like all the quilt kits, and the tote kits...
Love the blue/green and patchwork pups quilt kits!
email attached to profile
Thanks for the fun!
I really like the apron ideas. Never have enough aprons!
Loved the felt appliquéd kits
loved the felt appliquéd kits
I need to come back and do some more looking :) I love the Let's Go baby quilt kit. Who can resist those lil dumptrucks!
Definitely the sewing kits category- so many items I want to try
I love the aprons!
Would be great to win one :)
Loving the baby quilt kits!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the Merit Felted Purse - SO CUTE!
I would really like to make an apron. I have been looking at these for awhile but just haven't bought one yet.
My favorite category is Quilt Kits. Love them since I have little patience for putting things all together myself.
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
My favorite category would be quilt kits. Those are seriously awesome!!
I love the Mill Hill beaded crossstiches - Mix it up, Bowled over and Toasty. Too cute.
rushant at northwestel dot net
Im a quilter so Id have to go with a Cuddly Quilt kit! Thanks for participating in the giveaway!
Love the dragon kits! Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite is the Purple Yoki Fat Dragon Kit!! I see I am not the only one! It is kind of a toss up between that and the jewelry kits though. They are cool! All of your kits are awesome though!!! Thanks! ebayfranstuff at gmail dot com
My favourite kit category would have to be the quilt kits. I would be nice to work from a kit and just be able to follow the instructions to get a finished quilt. (supermomnocape at yahoo dot com)
So many great choices! My favorite is the Fabric Panel - Baby Blanket Sewing Kit - Merry Meadow. Very cute!
onehotstove AT gmail DOT com
I love easy kits! Thanks for the opportunity! TLBRATT at Yahoo dot com
Felt applique kit for the owl is just too cute.
i like the Wedding Scrapbook Kit - Engagement - Bride to Be
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
I'm loving the punch needle kits! The bird is adorable! jinglesells at gmail dot com
I love the kits. I am terrible at picking fabric, so the kits make it easy for me. Thanks for the chance to win.
Michelle (LemonadeGal)
Aprons & skirts!
RP from BBC {at} gmail {dot} com
Glad to find your site! I like so many of the kits! I wonder if you can get the Klutz kids' sewing book? I have been searching for it for so long!
Yoki the fat dragon is my favorite kit of all!
I LOVE the apron pattern! Thank you for a great giveaway!
I like the Weaving Loom Activity Kit - Kid's Craft Kit - Loop N Loom. It reminds me of one I had when I was a kid.
love the apron kits! thanks for the giveaway!
I love the in over your head apron!! Thats going on my wish list! Thanks for the chance to win!
grokgrace (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like the knit & crochet kits section.
melody dot janssen at gmail dot com
I love the aprons.
I love that Apron kit. I am teaching myself to sew so those would be perfect. I love the Quilt section of your website and in fact sent the link to my hubby around Christmas time of last year as a subtle hint.
I love your quilt kits
I've never seen these kits, but they're awesome! I love the sewing & quilting kits!! They'd make such a great gift! :)
Wow, what a lot of great kits! I would like to try the Simple Quilts - Quilt Kit for Beginners - Black & White. As I'm trying to get into quilting & I haven't gotten there yet!
The Happi Baby kit is adorable ! Thanks for the giveaway !
I like the embroidery kits. Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite category is Embroidery Kits. You guys have such a good variety and really cute. I have trouble finding good Hand/Crewel embroidery kits.
my favorite category is apron patterns and my favorite kit is Sew Liberated - Apron Pattern - Emmeline Apron
I am going to be teaching my daughter to sew-these would be nice beginner projects for her.
sewign projects for sure
thanks for the giveaway
I love the night owl baby quilt kit! so many great ones!
While I love to sew, my favorite category is the jewelry is my favorite. I love that everything to make your own jewelry comes in one kit! Fun stuff!
What a great giveaway! I really like the Apron kit. Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway Day.
There are so many great looking kits in the Quilts category that I think that has to be my favorite. May have to try one of the baby quilts for our upcoming baby.
jacquelinelockhart10 (at) gmail (dot) com
I like the Apron Kit projects! Very fun! Thanks so much!
I love kits. The quilt kits would be my fav. So glad I found you!
Love the Sunbonnet Sue mini quilt kit. Love to try this. joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net
Thank you for all your great comments. I'm having a lot of fun reading through them. Good luck to all of you & I hope everyone wins something from the Sew Mama Sew giveaway day!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this. I like the Brooke handbag kit. It was super cute. Thanks again.
I could probably use one of the embroidery kits because I want to start learning. And I've always been interested in punch needle. I really like the live happy and nature collage ones.
The Christmas Craft Kids are awesome! Greetings from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada :D
Aprons are actually my favorite category, which is what makes this giveaway great! One of my crafting goals for 2011 is to make my own apron. :) Marie
I don't usually do kits. I like to do things all on my own...that is one of the best parts for me....but I love the apron...super cute!
I LOVE the black & white quilt kit!! radasa873[at]gmail[dot]com
Lovely! Thanks for the chance.
The weaving loom kit looks great. Yoki the fat dragon (green) is also fab.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
ive never ever had a kit. so deprived :)
I love the Beginner Quilt Kit - Applique Wall Quilt - Wooly Sheep
So cute!!
I like the purse the best and like your embroidery kits a lot. Thanks.
I love the kids craft kits category. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to do those kinds of things with me!
Your quilt kits category looks fun, but there are so many choices. What a great idea for a website. When I am feeling crafty, I know where to go! Thanks.
I love the embroidery kits.
That apron pattern made me sit up and take notice! I've been seeing them in Jo-Ann's and coveting!
I think my favorite is the Apron pattern Marylin, but it's hard to be certain! Thank you for the giveaway!!
my email is in my profile! :)
I love the apron kits!!!!
I love the quilt kits. They would be great for someone like me that wants to learn. :)
I love the quilt kits. They would be great for someone like me that wants to learn. :)
I like the knitting and crochet kits
robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com
I love all of the Plush Animal Kits, and I need to cuddle that Cute Kitty right now! Thank you for the giveaway. serenakate at gmail dot com
I love the quilt kits and the monkey embroidery kit is adorable.
I love the Happi Owl kit! So cute!
I like the baby blanket sewing kit in Merry Meadow and your apron kits!
owl applique! :)
I love aprons!
I like the baby quilt kits - they are perfect for a shower gift! Thank you :)
Great little store. Love the quilt kits. But I also think the quilt kit in your giveaway is beyond darling!
I love the apron kits! I love to buy them, but have never made one!
Yoki the fat dragon kit in pink and purple is so cute!
thank you for the giveaway--altho i sew without kits i enjoy kits as a simple way of having everything together--my favorite non sewing kits are cardmaking kits
So many cute things!! I really love the owl one!
wow, how funny is this...I've been eyeing your beginner quilt kit (contempo) in a local store everytime I visit! thanks for sharing!
I'm new to sewing so these kits sound like a great idea for me!
I'd love to try the green/blue quilt kit.
There are lots of great thing, my favorite being the punch needle with the dots and blossoms.
My favorite category would be the aprons.
I like the apron patterns or the punch card kits. :)
The quilt kits are my favourite. Love the blue and green.
Your apron kits are great! I grew up in Albany :) Nice to find "locals" online. mamalusco at ortelco dot net
I like the baby quilt kits with minky!~
I don't think you could call it a favorite, but I think I would like to try a woldorf doll kit sometime.
I love the apron kits! I love aprons and they have such cute designs and fabric
I love your weekend kits! What fun.
I really like the Tote-n-Go Fabric Panel - Handbag Sewing Kit - Larkin. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
The quilt category is my favorite. I love sewing too.
I like the Tote-n-Go Fabric Panel - Handbag Sewing Kit - Brooke.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Very Cherry Apron...darling!
We have a winner! Congratulations to sandyandcosmo. Please Contact Us and we'll have your prize out to you right away. Thanks to everyone who left comments here and joined us on our Facebook page. I loved reading through all of your comments. Check back for monthly Craft Kit Giveaways here on the Weekend Kits blog!
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