Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Learn to Knit & Crochet Kits for Kids

There's a new selection of Learn to Knit & Crochet Kits from Leisure Arts in the store and they're just in time for holiday gift giving!  These knit & crochet starter kits include everything young beginners need to learn basic knitting and crocheting skills.

You'll find them in the Knit & Crochet Kits section!

Scarf Learn to Knit Kit
The Learn to Knit Kit includes knitting needles, learn to knit instructions, knitting patterns, pom-pom & tassel maker, yarn needle & over 100 yards of yarn.

There's enough yarn to complete one knitting project plus some extra yarn for practice.

Kids will have fun learning how to knit the colorful knitting projects shown on the cover.

An ideal beginner knitting kit for kids to learn a new craft skill and make a handmade knitted scarf to wear this winter. Nicely packaged for birthday & holiday gift giving.

Purse Learn to Crochet Kit
The Learn to Crochet Kit includes one crochet hook, learn to crochet instructions, crochet patterns, pom-pom & tassel maker, yarn needle, and over 100 yards of yarn.

Each kit includes 3 patterns, including one pattern for the main project shown on the cover plus two additional bonus patterns.

Kits make it easy for kids to learn beginner crochet skills and make a fun fashion crochet project.

Recommended for children ages 8 & up.  These kits would be perfect for teaching young kids & grandkids to knit & crochet.

Scarf Learn to Crochet Kit
Visit the Knit & Crochet Kits for details on these kits and to see our complete selection of kits for kids and beginners of all ages.

Weekend Kits offers a unique selection of Art & Craft Kits across a variety of crafting categories.

Stop by today and be ready to learn a new craft skill on your next Weekend at Home.

Thanks for visiting the Weekend Kits blog!

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